
About Hoshine

六狮王朝电玩城手机版下载,六狮王朝电玩城手机版下载 was invested by Ningbo Hoshine Group in 2005, and successfully listed on the main board of Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2017. So far, it has become a leading enterprise in the field of silicon based new materials such as silicon metal and silicone with a market value of over 100 billion. Hoshine Silicon is headquartered in Zhejiang Province, with digital intelligent manufacturing bases in Xinjiang, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Heilongjiang and other places, and high-tech research and development centers in Shanghai and Hainan. With the advantages of the whole industrial chain and scale coordination, the company's silicon metal and silicone production capacity are among the top in the world, and it is the main drafting unit of a number of national and industrial standards. Focusing on silicon-based new materials and photovoltaic new energy as the main core business, Hoshine Silicon continues to expand industry and technology, and its products are widely used in aerospace and military industry, electronic communications, medical health, automobile manufacturing and other fields, with partners all over the world. Hoshine Silicon regards a rich hometown, happy people and a prosperous country as its own responsibility, deeply practices social responsibility, gathers strength in scientific and technological innovation, constantly promotes the private economy in the new era to achieve a new leap forward, and contributes to the demonstration of modernization and common prosperity.

Seven Major Sectors

  • Energy

  • S ilicon Metal

  • Silicone

  • Photovoltaic

  • N ew material

  • S emiconducto

  • C arbon -based  material

绥江县企业形象策划有限公司同心县外墙粉刷有限公司同德县资料翻译有限公司桓台县文化教育信息咨询有限公司建邺区整流器生产有限公司 武陵区服装鞋帽有限公司略阳县橡塑制品有限公司召陵区修理业有限公司深泽县阀门有限公司 玛多县五金轴承有限公司