
Company News

The foundation ceremony of Hoshine new material project was held ceremoniously

Publisher:Hoshine Release Date: Reading Volume: Secondary

On 18th June, the ceremony of Hoshine new materials project was held in a "Small Home Appliances Intelligent Manufacturing Town" Zhouxiang,Cixi city.Gao Songyue, a member of Cixi Municipal Committee and Zhouxiang committee, Li Yingzhong a deputy mayor of Cixi city, Ye Shuming, a deputy secretary of the party committee and mayor of Zhouxiang town and Luo Liguo, chairman of 开元棋牌8018,开元棋牌8018, attended the commencement ceremony.

Chairman Mr.Luo made the statement at first for thanks all leaders taking the time to attend the foundation ceremony of the project. He said: Cixi is not only his hometown,but also the starting place of Hoshine Group's business. The settlement of the new material project in Zhouxiang, Cixi, is the result of the integration of the strategic development of the group and the construction of the homeland. Hoshine will uphold and carry forward the enterprise spirit of "accumulating in steps and peaking in the peak", and vigorously promote the development of new materials business in Zhouxiang .

Chairman Mr.Luo emphasized that after the project started construction, Hoshine Group and the construction company will strictly follow the established goals of high standard construction and high quality construction to ensure that the project is completed as scheduled and put into operation as soon as possible. While extending the depth of Hoshine's industrial chain, we will make further contributions to the economic development of our hometown.

凤山县文具有限公司大箐山县计算机硬件有限公司和硕县建筑工程施工有限公司 迁西县摩托车有限公司呼中区防水防漏材料有限公司 平南县美术设计制作有限公司余庆县电脑软硬件的销售有限公司 吉安县制作有限公司仙居县喷绘有限公司歙县销售有限公司